A curated list of free, high quality, on-demand resources for learning & building web3 & blockchain applications, with a focus on independent creators. In addition to educational resources, I’ve included links to various resources like DAOs, grants programs, networks, tools, and protocols.
Curated by Nader Dabit in response to a large number of requests. These resources have already helped thousands of developers land full time jobs in web3. This is not comprehensive of the entire ecosystem and is instead meant to get you up and running as quickly and easily as possible without becoming overwhelmed with the countless resources available.
To submit a new piece of content for consideration, click here.
Title | Author |
The Architecture of a Web 3.0 application | Preethi Kasireddy |
Defining the web3 stack | Nader Dabit |
A Developer's Guide to the Web3 Stack | Isaac Lau |
YouTuber |
Patrick Collins |
Smart Contract Programmer |
ETH Global |
Nader Dabit |
Eat the Blocks |
Hashlips |
Web3 Club |
Name |
Solidity |
Cairo |
Anchor |
Hardhat |
Foundry |
Ethers.js |
The following programs offer grants in the range of $10 million to $800 million for community members interested in contributing to the ecosystem. This is a great way to get your foot in the door and get paid as you are still learning.
Name |
LearnWeb3DAO |
Developer DAO |
Odyssey DAO |
Superteam DAO |
BuilderDAO |